If everybody was jumping off a bridge, would you do it? Most would say, "Hell, No!" But yet, we all tend to jump on the bandwagon of mainstream social media sites. Now is your chance for change. A whole NEW social media network is waiting for you! It's called FAM. It stands for Family and "Facebook Alternative Messaging". It's way more secure than the others and gives you the freedom of speech. Just because somebody doesn't agree with what you say, you won't get blocked or kicked off the platform. There are no algorithms keeping track of your online movements. Your pictures are secure under copyright. No one can right click and download your photos. The only thing visible to other members is your log in name unless you choose for them to see it. There are no ads interrupting your videos or filling up your screen. Plus, It's FREE! The only thing I ask is if you have any extra funds...please make a donation to help me keep this going and improve it. If you have any questions or don't understand how this works feel free to ask. I will get back to you asap! We can all make this an awesome place to be if we do it together. Thanks for your support!
Joe W.
Owner/Project Manager
website: creativesolutionsjcd.com
FAM sign up page: FAM | Creative Solutions (creativesolutionsjcd.com)
If you wanna try it and Sign Up...
2 Tutorials on how to do it by a Mobile Device or a Computer are below